
I’m a tra­di­tion­ally trained graphic de­signer with an Interactive and Product Design fo­cus. I’m also a big nerd.

I have strong ty­po­graphic skills, and I can make books, posters, and all the other things we graphic de­sign­ers do, but what I’m re­ally in to is in­ter­ac­tive.

For the last 4 years I’ve worked at Adobe Systems on the Adobe Design (formerly XD) Studio Team as a Designer and Prototyper. Studio is a fu­ture fac­ing team tasked with find­ing gaps in Adobe’s prod­uct of­fer­ings and re­search­ing de­sign so­lu­tions. I’ve also had the op­por­tu­nity through Adobe to work on probono pro­jects for a num­ber of San Francisco mu­se­ums.

I’ve al­ways come at things with that per­spec­tive of, I’ll prob­a­bly fig­ure it out.’ So far that seems to be work­ing.

I’m well versed in the lan­guages of the web, HTML / CSS / JS, and I’m also very fa­mil­iar with Processing and Arduino, node.js, as well as Objective C and Swift. I know enough C++ to be dan­ger­ous. I’ve coded for phys­i­cal in­ter­faces, built bat­tery pow­ered ana­log ra­dio trans­mit­ters, scripted 3d an­i­ma­tions, built a so­le­noid pow­ered re­mote but­ton pusher (don’t ask), and of course I built the CMS for this site.

Recently I’ve had more op­por­tu­ni­ties to lead pro­jects on my team at Adobe work­ing with mixed dis­ci­plines, and it’s been an ex­cit­ing op­por­tu­nity to grow up.

I’m a big be­liever in learn­ing by get­ting into some­thing and fig­ur­ing out what I’m do­ing wrong. Most pro­jects of­fer plenty of op­por­tu­ni­ties for learning’.

I know the way you make good work is by re­search­ing, try­ing things, and throw­ing out what is­n’t work­ing and try­ing again. I’m not one to just throw things at the wall with­out know­ing why I’m do­ing it, or learn­ing some­thing.

Thoughtfully brute force, I guess.

  • Well versed with Creative Suite (Current to CC)
  • Experienced with InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, Lightroom, Premiere, After Effects.
  • Good hand skills, can cut straight lines with­out slic­ing off a thumb. See thumbs.
  • Know HTML / CSS / JS, node.js, Processing, and ObjC / Swift.
  • Pick up pro­gram­ming lan­guages / en­vi­ron­ments quickly.
  • Can ad­min­is­ter a server and work git.
  • Can sol­der as well as any de­signer.
  • Experienced work­ing in a stu­dio, plays well with oth­ers.