
Quick Layout


Quick Layout was a pro­ject by the Adobe Design Studio team look­ing at al­ter­na­tive in­ter­ac­tions for 2D lay­out, hop­ing to cre­ate some­thing that could help non de­sign­ers make more ef­fec­tive printed de­signs. The in­ter­ac­tion we de­signed re­moved the dis­tinc­tion be­tween man­ag­ing your con­tent and man­ag­ing the grid or struc­ture of a page, in­tro­duc­ing new el­e­ments would sub­di­vide the grid, mov­ing things mod­i­fies the un­der­ly­ing struc­ture. This com­bined with easy di­rect ma­nip­u­la­tion of the grid and as­sets, as well as in­tel­li­gent snap­ping al­lows for quickly di­vid­ing a page into vi­su­ally re­lated sec­tions.

We then be­gan ex­per­i­ment­ing with adap­tive text as a com­po­nent of these lay­outs that would change size to make use of the al­lo­cated space, and main­tain re­la­tion­ships of dif­fer­ent sorts of type within the con­text of the lay­out. I wrote the orig­i­nal grid en­gine as well as the on can­vas in­ter­ac­tions for it, and some of the other in­fra­struc­ture to sup­port the use of the pro­to­type. I also pro­to­typed the snap­ping be­hav­iors. It was pre­sented by Danielle Morimoto at MAX 2016.