
1000khz was an ex­per­i­men­tal nar­ra­tive about the sto­ries of places that aren’t here any more. I was in­ter­ested in the dif­fer­ence be­tween hon­or­ing the past ver­sus pre­serv­ing it. We think let­ting a build­ing stand empty is a bet­ter fate then knock­ing it in, that while it stands its some­thing of a mon­u­ment to what was. I’ve come to think that’s some­thing of a cop out.

By re­search­ing my fam­ily his­tory here in Detroit, I was sad­dened to find the build­ings that I am con­nected to were all gone. However, in that re­search I found out a lot of things I did­n’t know about my fam­ily, and through the whole ex­pe­ri­ence be­came more aware of my place in it. I thought that re­mem­ber­ing the sto­ries of these peo­ple was the more im­por­tant thing.

So I built ra­dio trans­mit­ters, 1000khz AM, and placed them around Detroit at places that aren’t here any more. While their bat­ter­ies lasted they played sto­ries of the places where they sat. One got ripped open and the mp3 player in it was stolen, one was opened, messed with, and sat back ba­si­cally how it was, and one was­n’t there when I got back.

More than the ra­dios, the site built to so­licit the sto­ries, as well as the doc­u­men­ta­tion site were the lion share of the work on this pro­ject. Unfortunately, both are now of­fline.