
CCM Wall


CCM Wall is a per­ma­nent in­stal­la­tion at the Children’s Creativity Museum in down­town San Francisco. I worked with a team of Adobe em­ploy­ees to de­sign, en­gi­neer, build, and pro­gram a large touch low-res LED wall, along with a pres­sure sen­si­tive floor.

When the mu­seum ap­proached us ini­tially they wanted an in­stal­la­tion that would be fun for younger chil­dren, and pitched the idea of mul­ti­ple TVs with touch pan­els in­stalled. We, want­ing to avoid iPad like in­ter­faces the chil­dren were al­ready fa­mil­iar with, and not want­ing to do pro­jec­tion for fear of how it’d look and work in the space, de­cided on the LED wall.

The wall is cus­tom fab­ri­cated with 84 x 46 RGB LED pix­els dri­ven by a BeagleBone at 30 fps, and the floor is a cus­tom cir­cuit fea­tur­ing an ar­ray of 168 pres­sure sen­sors, also dri­ven by a BeagleBone.

For my part, I wrote the touch dri­ver in C++ and Python, uti­liz­ing two Kinects nearly par­al­lel to the walls sur­face in the top cor­ners. I also wrote one of the ap­pli­ca­tions that runs on the wall, and in­flu­enced the de­sign of sev­eral of the oth­ers.